I loved my phone -- Samsung Galaxy Nexus, but it wasn't a quad band phone so couldn't be used in Europe. We were leaving on the 26th and my phone was eligible for replacement on the 25th with Verizon. I considered everything, including biting the bullet and paying full price for a new phone.
I went phone shopping at Best Buy Mobile. They told me that the International division of Verizon could often issue new phones sooner. So that's how I got a Galaxy S4 in plenty of time for the trip.
Melissa already had a quad band S3, but not to be outdone, she went out and added a Note 10" tablet. I would be bringing my Nexus 7 for email, surfing, reading and reference. I also decided to take the old Nexus phone because it would take a photosphere picture. And the good Canon camera for its zoom.
We used every single gadget and in some cases really needed them. We also needed a suitcase just for the chargers! We had wall chargers and car chargers for each and even had extra chargers and batteries for everything.

The extension cord featured a blue light so we could confirm there was power. This actually came in very handy -- but that's another story.
Why bring extra chargers? Have you ever had a charger die on vacation? I have -- on the third day of two week trip. And it was for a camera that used proprietary accessories. We didn't find a replacement until the vacation was over.
Melissa used an International sim card from One Sim Card that gave her a US phone number and a European phone number on the same card. I went with Verizon's International plan. The cost was about the same for both, but she used her phone extensively and I made one call per day.
I also erred by not turning off mobile data while in the airport in the US. Something had a major update and used up the first 100MB of data before I even left but after I had switched over to the International Plan.
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